Auto Cast Armours, Dexterity, and Resists

These are pretty easy and will help you learn and understand triggers.

Chitin Trigger:
Pattern: You shed your chitinous armour.
Command: cast chitin me

Barkskin Trigger:
Pattern: Your barkskin armour flakes off and falls to the ground, crumbling into dust.
Command: cast barkskin me

Resist Trigger:
Pattern: You feel your resistance to (%W) leave you
Command: cast resist %1 me

Hidden/Visible Tracker
Create a Variable
Variable: hidden
Value: Visible
Default: Visible

Modify your status bar
Right click on the status bar above where you type, it will bring up a window. In it you type: @hidden

Create these Triggers
Pattern: You leap from the shadows!
Command: hidden=Visible
Pattern: You appear from the shadows.
Command: hidden=Visible
Pattern: Ok, you hide in the shadows.
Command: hidden=Hidden

Click here to download the zip file of this trigger.

XP Counter
Create a Trigger
Pattern: You killed
Command: get coins from corpse;score brief

type: "monitor off"
**This will turn off you hp bar so you will not be able to see what your hp is during combat unless you type sheet

Create new variables
(value and default can be left blank)
Variable: expd
Variable: expt

Create a trigger
Pattern: Xp: (%d)
Command: #math expd (%1-@expt);#if @expd<>0 {#alarm +0:0:01 {#SHOW Gained: <@expd> experience.}};expt=%1

This does math and tells you how much xp you get after each kill. If you type score in the middle of combat it will screw it up a little. The first time it goes off it is a little screwy but from then on it works fine.

Click here to download the zip file of this trigger.

Auto Sneak
First make a button
Click toggle
Off caption: Sneak Off
On Caption: Sneak On
Variable: Autosneak

Make a Variable
Name: Autosneak
Value: 0
Default: 0

Make Aliases
(Type these into your zmud command line, just cut and paste)
#alias e #if @AutoSneak=1 {sneak east} {east}
#alias n #if @AutoSneak=1 {sneak north} {north}
#alias ne #if @AutoSneak=1 {sneak northeast} {northeast}
#alias nw #if @AutoSneak=1 {sneak northwest} {northwest}
#alias s #if @AutoSneak=1 {sneak south} {south}
#alias se #if @AutoSneak=1 {sneak southeast} {southeast}
#alias sw #if @AutoSneak=1 {sneak southwest} {southwest}
#alias w #if @AutoSneak=1 {sneak west} {west}

Click here to download the zip file of this trigger.

Tell Capture
This makes it when someone sends you a tell it shows it in a window called tell...very usefull when xping.

Create a trigger.
Pattern: tells you
Command: #CAP Tell;#GAG

Now when these are all in place, you can see just above where you type weather you are hidden or visible. Its handy when you happen to forget and don't really want to do a con me command.

==No trigger file for this one==

Tell Sound
This makes it so when you recieve a tell it makes a short sound.

Make a Trigger:
Pattern: (%w) tells you
Command: #PLAY c:/zmud/tell.wav (or directory of sound)

Pattern: (%w) asks you
Command: #PLAY c:/zmud/tell.wav (or directory of sound)

==No trigger file for this one==

Auto Response

Pattern: %W tells you
Command: reply AFK....Working on Ranger Site (Or your response)

Pattern: %W asks you
Command: reply AFK....Working on Ranger Site (Or your response)

==No trigger file for this one==

Stat Reroll
You can edit these to look how you want, this is just a basic format.

#TRIGGER {Wisdom : (%d)$} {#if %1<=18 {reroll=%cr}} {REARRANGE}
#TRIGGER {Wisdom : (%d)~((%d)~)$} {#if %2<80 {reroll=%cr}} {REARRANGE}

#TRIGGER {Strength : (%d)$} {#if %1<=18 {reroll=%cr}} {REARRANGE}
#TRIGGER {Strength : (%d)~((%d)~)$} {#if %2<40 {reroll=%cr}} {REARRANGE}

#TRIGGER {Constitution : (%d)$} {#if %1<=18 {reroll=%cr}} {REARRANGE}
#TRIGGER {Constitution : (%d)~((%d)~)$} {#if %2<20 {reroll=%cr}} {REARRANGE}

#TRIGGER {Dexterity : (%d)$} {#if %1<13 {reroll=%cr}} {REARRANGE}

#TRIGGER {Entering any other key will save this roll.} {@reroll;reroll=keep} {REARRANGE}
#TRIGGER {You have completed your rearrangement of your attributes.} {#play success.wav} {REARRANGE}
#ALARM {-*5:00} {~!score} {REARRANGE}
#FUNC Reroll {keep}

==No trigger file for this one==