Here are the current soul commands in this hoopy soul. The # before a soul command means it has strange arguments. The * after a soul command means you can only use it at someone. Total number of soul data is 333 The + after a soul command means you can use it both at someone and not. #accuse+ cough #grimace meow #rub+ #stumble #ack+ cow+ #grin+ #milk+ #ruffle* #suck #admire+ #cower #grind mischannel #salute+ sulk adore* #crack+ #groan+ #moan+ scoff+ #swear+ #agree+ #cringe #grope* #mock+ scold+ swim alugh+ croak #grovel+ moo scowl+ swing* #apologize+ #cross #growl+ moogle+ scratch+ swoon+ #applaud+ #crowd+ #grumble moon* #scream #tackle* astound+ cry #grunt+ #mosh sdance #tacklehug* #babble+ cuddle* #gurgle #mrrf+ seduce* tag* #backhand+ #curse+ handshake* #mutter #shake+ #tap+ #bah+ #curtsey+ #hang neckkiss* shimmy+ #tape* #bark dance+ hanky+ #nestle* #shiver taunt+ #bathe #daydream hate+ #nibble* #shrug+ tease+ #beam+ #die+ #haunt+ #nod+ #shudder #thank* #beep #disagree+ headbutt* #nog+ #sigh+ #think #beg+ doh+ headstand+ #noise #sing #thrash* #bing+ dribble+ #heta* noogie* sit throw* #bingf+ drool+ hiccup nudge* slap+ thwok+ bird* duck high5+ #nuzzle* sleep+ #tickle* bite+ duh #hiss+ #ogle* slobber+ toast+ bkiss* #embrace* hmm pace smack* tongue* #bleed #exp+ honk+ panic smiel+ #tremble #blink+ expect* #hoot #pant #smile+ trip+ #blush+ explode hop #pat* smirk+ tsk+ bodyslam* eye* #howl+ #peer+ smite+ #tweak* #boggle+ #faint+ #hug* penguin+ #smooch* #twiddle bonk+ #fart+ #huggle* pet+ #snap+ #twitch boot+ fiddle #hum #pick #snarl* ummmyeah* bop+ #fish+ #hush* pinch+ sneer* wabbit+ bork+ #flap icecry ping* #sneeze+ #waggle* #bounce+ #flex #idle+ #plead #snicker+ #wait+ #bow+ #flick+ james #point* #sniff waltz* brb #flip+ #java+ #poke* snigger #wave+ breakdance #flirt+ #juggle ponder snore wedgie+ #breathe #flop #jump+ #pounce+ snort #welcome+ bubble+ flustered #kick+ #pout+ #snuggle* #whimper burn+ #fondle* #kiss* #protest #sob+ #whine+ #burp #foo #kisshand* puke+ #sorry* #whistle+ #cackle forgive* #knee* punch+ spam* #wibble calm+ french* #kneel* punt+ #spank* wicker #caper #frog+ #knuckle+ #purr+ spit+ #wiggle+ #caress* froth kupo push+ spock wince challenge* #frown+ lag #puzzle spoon+ #wink+ #cheekkiss* #fume #laugh+ quack+ #spurg* wipe+ #cheer+ #gack+ #leap quirk #squeeze* #wobble #cheerup* #gasp leer+ quiver #squirm #womble #chide* #gaze* #lick* #radiate+ #stagger #wonder choke+ gesticulate loom* raise #stamp #worship+ #chuckle+ gibber love* #ram+ #stand #wrinkle+ #clap #giggle+ lower #rattle+ #stare+ #writhe #clutch* girn+ luagh+ razz* stifle #yawn coldie+ #glare+ lust* reboot+ #stomp zip+ #comfort* #glow+ #massage* #roar+ strangle+ #confess goose* #meep+ #roll+ stroke* #congrat+ #greet* melt+ rotfl+ strut Share and enjoy. Please use the "soul" command to report errors and additions.