Realms of the Dragon Commands

B A S I C S :

How do I see colors on my screen?
term ansi

How do I know when people log on or off while I'm on here?
inform on
inform logon

How do I talk to people in my race/guild/org and chat?
guild on
race on
org on
Note: You can also turn these channels off as well.

How can I see how many hit points (hps), guild points (gps), experience (exp) I have?
monitor on
score brief
hud on (Make sure you read the help file before using this.)

How do I tell if I'll be able to kill something or how tough it is?
con {opponent}
Note: This command can be deceptive, so don't rely on it. Use it as a guide though.

How can I find out about another player/s?
who or who /v
who {player name}
finger {player name} or finger -m {player name} or finger -p {player name}

How can I change my finger information?
alias .plan {Your plan here}
alias .url {Your URL here}
alias .project {Your project here}
describe me

How do I change my stats from a bunch of 13's?
Click here to see how to rearrange for a Ranger

What if I mess up my rearrange, advancement or am running out of lives(You can get up to a total of 25 lives either by either doing quests or buying them from a priest)?
refresh me
Note: Only use retire as a last resort. You might want to ask someone if you're unsure what to do here.

How can I see what my spells and skills are after I join a Guild?

How can I see what is the maximum weight I can carry?

How can I tell what armour I have, the condition of my armour, armour size and what armour I need?
armour or armour /v
inventory or i

How can I see how many of one or more items I have in my inventory?
inventory or i
count {item/s}
l bag/s or l bag {number of bag}
l satchel/s or l bag {number of satchel}

How can I speak another language or how do I know what languages I can speak?
speak {language}
Note: Every race has a common language that they can speak to each other in and you just have to find the common language between you and the other person to communicate with them. The following is a list of languages spoken in the Realms: common, king's tongue, elven, darken, cant of evil, gnomish, undercommon, sign language, thieves' cant, telepathy, womble, halfling, dwarven, wizard spells, orkis and two grunts. You can learn most of these languages by going to Kla'Reeve in Kildareh School of Tongues.

How do I know what spells are effecting me?
l me or look me
Note: Resists will be shown when you use both commands.

How can I see what my stats are?
score stats

Is there a way I could just see the directions in a room and not the whole discription?
Note: Brief will change the mode you view the room in. Type brief again to change it back.

Is there any way I can do something, so I don't have to type a person's name that is really long?
help nickname
nickname {nickname} {full name}
dnickname {nickname}

Tired of seeing a line that looks something like this (--- More From 0 to 160 of 284 (56%) - q to quit.) whenever you view a long help file, email, etc..?
rows {number}

C O L O R S :

Mostly all people want to know how to change their colors while playing on here. The first thing you need to do is make an alias for what ever you're going to use the color for. Whether it would be something said on the guild/chat/race/org channel, a shout, what you tell someone or what you say to people that are in the room with you. Here are a few examples to go by to be able to change your colors. Copy, paste, and modify them as you like.

alias g guild @%^CYAN%^(Night Stalker): %^RED%^$1*$%^RESET%^
g Test
[Rangers] Facingwest (Night Stalker): Test

alias o org @%^GREEN%^[The Brewmaster]: %^CYAN%^$1*$%^RESET%^
o Test
[Brewers] Facingwest [The Brewmaster]: Test

alias r race @%^GREEN%^{%^BLUE%^Night Stalker%^GREEN%^}: %^RED%^$1*$%^RESET%^
r Test
[Dwarf] Facingwest {Night Stalker}: Test

alias say say %^CYAN%^"%^RED%^$*$%^CYAN%^"%^RESET%^
say Test
You say: "Test"

alias t tell $1$ %^RED%^$2*$%^RESET%^
t corman Test
You tell Corman: Test
Corman tells you: umm..

Available colors: black, flash,red, bold, green, white, yellow, blue, cyan, magenta, and backgrounds of each of those. Orange is also an avaliable color, but it shows up more like a yellow, so I didn't post it here. Putting a "B_" in front of the color name will change the background color. It's not advised to do it, but it is available.

S O U L S :

This is the current list of souls used on RoD.
Here are the current soul commands in this hoopy soul.
The # before a soul command means it has strange arguments.
The * after a soul command means you can only use it at someone.
Total number of soul data is 333
The + after a soul command means you can use it both at someone and not.
#accuse+     cough        #grimace     meow         #rub+        #stumble
#ack+        cow+         #grin+       #milk+       #ruffle*     #suck
#admire+     #cower       #grind       mischannel   #salute+     sulk
adore*       #crack+      #groan+      #moan+       scoff+       #swear+
#agree+      #cringe      #grope*      #mock+       scold+       swim
alugh+       croak        #grovel+     moo          scowl+       swing*
#apologize+  #cross       #growl+      moogle+      scratch+     swoon+
#applaud+    #crowd+      #grumble     moon*        #scream      #tackle*
astound+     cry          #grunt+      #mosh        sdance       #tacklehug*
#babble+     cuddle*      #gurgle      #mrrf+       seduce*      tag*
#backhand+   #curse+      handshake*   #mutter      #shake+      #tap+
#bah+        #curtsey+    #hang        neckkiss*    shimmy+      #tape*
#bark        dance+       hanky+       #nestle*     #shiver      taunt+
#bathe       #daydream    hate+        #nibble*     #shrug+      tease+
#beam+       #die+        #haunt+      #nod+        #shudder     #thank*
#beep        #disagree+   headbutt*    #nog+        #sigh+       #think
#beg+        doh+         headstand+   #noise       #sing        #thrash*
#bing+       dribble+     #heta*       noogie*      sit          throw*
#bingf+      drool+       hiccup       nudge*       slap+        thwok+
bird*        duck         high5+       #nuzzle*     sleep+       #tickle*
bite+        duh          #hiss+       #ogle*       slobber+     toast+
bkiss*       #embrace*    hmm          pace         smack*       tongue*
#bleed       #exp+        honk+        panic        smiel+       #tremble
#blink+      expect*      #hoot        #pant        #smile+      trip+
#blush+      explode      hop          #pat*        smirk+       tsk+
bodyslam*    eye*         #howl+       #peer+       smite+       #tweak*
#boggle+     #faint+      #hug*        penguin+     #smooch*     #twiddle
bonk+        #fart+       #huggle*     pet+         #snap+       #twitch
boot+        fiddle       #hum         #pick        #snarl*      ummmyeah*
bop+         #fish+       #hush*       pinch+       sneer*       wabbit+
bork+        #flap        icecry       ping*        #sneeze+     #waggle*
#bounce+     #flex        #idle+       #plead       #snicker+    #wait+
#bow+        #flick+      james        #point*      #sniff       waltz*
brb          #flip+       #java+       #poke*       snigger      #wave+
breakdance   #flirt+      #juggle      ponder       snore        wedgie+
#breathe     #flop        #jump+       #pounce+     snort        #welcome+
bubble+      flustered    #kick+       #pout+       #snuggle*    #whimper
burn+        #fondle*     #kiss*       #protest     #sob+        #whine+
#burp        #foo         #kisshand*   puke+        #sorry*      #whistle+
#cackle      forgive*     #knee*       punch+       spam*        #wibble
calm+        french*      #kneel*      punt+        #spank*      wicker
#caper       #frog+       #knuckle+    #purr+       spit+        #wiggle+
#caress*     froth        kupo         push+        spock        wince
challenge*   #frown+      lag          #puzzle      spoon+       #wink+
#cheekkiss*  #fume        #laugh+      quack+       #spurg*      wipe+
#cheer+      #gack+       #leap        quirk        #squeeze*    #wobble
#cheerup*    #gasp        leer+        quiver       #squirm      #womble
#chide*      #gaze*       #lick*       #radiate+    #stagger     #wonder
choke+       gesticulate  loom*        raise        #stamp       #worship+
#chuckle+    gibber       love*        #ram+        #stand       #wrinkle+
#clap        #giggle+     lower        #rattle+     #stare+      #writhe
#clutch*     girn+        luagh+       razz*        stifle       #yawn
coldie+      #glare+      lust*        reboot+      #stomp       zip+
#comfort*    #glow+       #massage*    #roar+       strangle+    
#confess     goose*       #meep+       #roll+       stroke*      
#congrat+    #greet*      melt+        rotfl+       strut        
Share and enjoy.
Please use the "soul" command to report errors and additions.