Ranger Bows

(A deep heavy breathing fills the air)

"Shhh! Quiet, take your positions and prepare." - Hexus

*quiet rustling is heard*

"Ready" - Mirth

"In position." - Lucifer

"Heh heh... me mean... Ready" - Grog

*the sounds of wood bending and clicking are heard*

"FIRE!!" - Hexus

*the twang and snaps of multiple strings echoes*


"Now THATS how you take out a dragon!" - Hexus

"Me want guts!" - Grog

"Uhhh, ok." - Lucifer

(quietly the other rangers step away from Grog)

Bows from Around the Realms

Yikarian Crossbow - Yikaria BPH: 1 Weight: UNK SL: 100
Ruby Crossbow - Sreen BPH: 2 Weight: 200 SL: <255
Revolving Crossbow - Yikaria BPH: 3 Weight: 150 SL: <255
Practice Bow - Hylar APH: 0 Weight: 50 SL: <100
Maple Hunting Bow - Guild Shop APH: 1 Weight: 100 SL: <133
Composite Bow - Xerxes APH: 1 Weight: 100 SL: ~70
Hickory Longbow - Guild Shop APH: 1 Weight: 80 SL: <118
Elven Long Bow - Dark Rangers APH: 1 Weight: 40 SL: ~160
Crusader's Longbow - Quest APH: 1 Weight: 100 SL: <255
Triple-Notched Skirmisher's Bow - Drake APH: 3 Weight: 80 SL: UNK

APH/BPH - Arrows or Bolts used for each Hunt. SL - Save Level.

Arrows and Bolts

Range - Horrid damage, waste of space, use 'em for kindling
Wooden - Minor damage*
Hunting - Better damage than wooden*
Barbed - More damage hits per shot*
Acid - Adds acid damage hit*
Frozen - Adds cold damage hit*
Flaming - Adds fire damage hit*

* - These have bolt and arrow versions.

Range arrows are found in the target range in Hylar. All other arrows can be picked up off specific corpses or bought at Rodney's or the Guild shop. However, some arrows may require a quest be completed before being able to purchase.


Leather Quiver - Dark Rangers/Rodney CAP: 20 Weight: 15
Marksman's Quiver - Guild Shop CAP: UNL Weight: 33

CAP refers to the maximum rounds of ammunition the quiver may carry.